Mario Balotelli ‘s fabulous Ibiza holiday adventure continues with Spanish style flirting. Balotelli shows off with his toned muscles on his upper body amid a constant flow of bikini-clad girls in Spain’s paradise island Ibiza.
Ibiza, Spain / Turkish daily NationalTurk news reports that Mario Balotelli will get a raise after his superb Euro 2012 campaign with Italy. He already earns on around £120,000 a week for his services with Manchester City and he spends good amount of it under Ibiza sun during his Ibiza holiday to shake the rust and fatigue of a prolonged football season .
It well looks like Mario Balotelli is trying to launch himself a new career during his Ibiza holiday, Spain’s treasure island of entertainment, lust, sex and sun.
The temperamental and eccentric Italian striker lapped up the Ibiza sunshine upon his ebony skin in Ibiza island and has been in the centre of attention raining from the ladies, local and foreign alike as he strutted around in just his purple pants in Ibiza.
Mario Balotelli : girlfriend pregnant as the bad boy enjoys what Ibiza throws at him

The 21-year-old Italy and Manchester City striker walked around outside his apartment at Ibiza island in Spain, wearing a pair of tight purple underpants as Balotelli showed off his muscle maniac torso.
Encounters with Balotelli and blonde lady in red bikini in Ibiza
Mario Balotelli continues his Ibiza vacation and he has been spotted various time partying with an entourage of girls in string bikinis during holiday in Ibiza amid lovechild claims regarding his ex-girlfriend red-hot beauty Rafaella Fico.
Mario Balotelli and girlfriend Raffaella Fisco : Girl pregnant boy surrounded by ladies
Rafaella Fico is reported to be pregnant and according to reports the ex girlfriend of Balotelli insists Mario Balotelli is the father of her child.
start wearing purple wearing purple Balotelli ….in Ibiza purple is the color of ..
With his new more stylish purple underwear on, Mario Balotelli was ready to tingle with the bevy of female admirers who were eager to get close to imposing figure of Balotelli, who has a summer residence at Ibiza, Spain.
Ibiza boy Balotelli under radar of blonde, ivory, ebony and asian beauties during Ibiza holiday

He moved seamlessly between groups of women who all appeared happy to chat to him and his entourage of friends.
Mario was spotted chatting to a curvy blonde who had clearly been working on her tan and played with her hair as the soccer star stopped to talk.
The sultry female friend of Mario Balotelli looked fabulous in a red two-piece bikini in Ibiza, sharing fabulous moments during a hot Ibiza vacation and accessorised with a large gold bracelet as she lay in the Ibiza sunshine.
Why Ibiza has always been a top destination of celebrities for holiday times ?
A suitably impressed Balotelli didn’t hang around with her for too long and moved on to another group of females waiting in line for some Ibiza style action.
The free style and unhindered vacation possibility in Ibiza attracts many celebrities to Ibiza as the locals of Spanish Island Ibiza don’t gossip about them or tell pushy journalists where all celebrities inc. footballers, singers or Hollywood star artists stay at which Ibiza hotels.