Kyrgyzstan Proceeds with April Events Lawsuit

kyrgyzstan april eventsKyrgyzstan begins a trial on the April events on Wednesday.

For the first time in the history of jurisprudence the hearings appointed in a facility designed only for mass entertainment – at the Palace of Sports named after Kozhomkul.

The lawsuit has been repeatedly postponed. Last time it was connected with celebration of Kurman ait holiday.

The criminal case on the April events, according to lawyers, account for almost 60 volumes. 28 defendants are targeted in the investigation, whereof six are put on international wanted list, including the second President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev, his brother – former head of the State Security Service Zhanysh Bakiyev, his son – Marat Bakiyev, former Prime Minister Daniyar Usenov, former head of intelligence Murat Sutalinov and former commander of Special Forces “Arstan” Esenbay uulu Baiysh.

The case against the six accused to be tried by military tribunal in absentia.

The hearings will involve 18 lawyers and advocates of the accused, 7 prosecutors of Public Prosecution, 306 victims and 78 their legal representatives, 129 witnesses, journalists and civil society leaders.

Almost all defendants are accused in abuse of power by using violence and complicity in felonious homicide of two or more people.

Many human rights defenders and civil society leaders say the upcoming trial is politicized and of outspoken demonstration nature.

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