World’s Largest Medical Tourism and Global Healthcare Conference, October 26-28th, Announces Record Attendance, Distinguished Speakers and Sponsors.
The 2nd Annual World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress, the largest medical tourism congress in the world, announces speakers, sponsors and record increase in attendance this coming October 26-28th 2009 in Los Angeles, California.
Up to 5,000 private one-on-one networking sessions will be
arranged through special networking software, allowing each delegate to
schedule up to 80 meetings during the 3-day conference.
Deloitte estimates that 1.6 million American patients will travel to other
countries in 2010 for medical care and treatment, doubling the numbers who
traveled in 2007, and spending billions of dollars.
This Congress is the only event each year where the largest numbers of
Employers, Self Funded Health Plans, Insurance Companies, Governments, and
Medical Tourism Facilitators worldwide come to partner with international
Ministries of Tourism and Ministries of Health participate together with up to
200 expert speakers, up to 2,000 attendees and 125 exhibitors and sponsors.
Monday night’s VIP cocktail reception open to Workshop attendees is sponsored
by a top US health insurance magazine, bringing in up to 400 US Health
Insurance Executives, Agents, and Brokers.